Friday, December 11, 2009


AD-anno domini; BC-before christ

evolution-In biology, evolution is change in the genetic material of a population of organisms from one generation to the next. ...

government- government is the body within an organization that has authority to make and the power to enforce laws, regulations, or rules.

Sovereign- having supreme rank, power, or authority

Deluge-a great flood of water; inundation; flood.

Capital Punishment-Capital punishment or the death penalty , is the execution of a person by judicial process as a punishment for an offense.

post dulivan -After the flood

Plain of Shinar-where noahs arc came to rest

Babel-an ancient city in the land of Shinar in which the building of a tower

humanism-devotion to or study of the humanities

nation- a large body of people, associated with a particular territory, that is sufficiently conscious of its unity to seek or to possess a government peculiarly its own: The president spoke to the nation about the new tax.

race-mixed group of people

focial point- the center

the approxmiate number of years from the fall to flood -1700 years

noah three sons - shim ham jeffe

the bulider of the first world empire and the meaing of his name- NImrod,the rebel

The tower of babel

Sumerians and Egyptians

Asia, Alaska, Russia

memory of mankind - to learn what we have missed

the abilty to reason and to show compassion

because it can repeat it self in negative ways

the beging God makes man the middle the proges of a modern age ending with Jesus judgement

civil governement from civil people

tower of babel

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