Thursday, December 10, 2009



This is Ralph, I'm taking a test so Im not participating in this blog. :[

p. 259

1. political fanatics and self apointed prophets
2 .He was not happy at all; They would form an alliance; 1555
3.They were not happy about it one single bit; to persuade and bribe
4. Jesuits; to form a group of mean willing to be pope
5. Preaching the gospel to people who really needed it

p. 263
1. Parts of Germany; he overthrough some other kings
2. It was a different time when he was king; he had the mind of a dictator
3. It was alright; they were not with it.
4. King John III; new policies
5. Many things!!
6. Holland and Belgium; Low Lands; dikes
7. They fought for liberty
8. IDK

I'm still not here. hahahahah
Signing off
Ralph and Joel

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