Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Egyptian Questions (RALPH IS BACK!!!!!!!!!) :P


Introduction- Thirty Centuries Ago. A living God. Mummification
Dead- Mummification. Slaves. EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!
Organs Removed- Lungs, Liver, Stomach, and The Intestines. Put them in funny looking jars with cool heads.
Get Stuffed- Your skin being all wrinkled and gross looking. Spices, and other stuff important to get stuffed!
Tomb Bound- EVRYTHING!!!!! Slaves. Your valuable possessions (My iPhone and Macbook Pro would definitely be in mine! ^o^)
Coffins etc.- Well, they were awesome looking. A Statue and something of theirs. The Pharoah's stuff.
Your Funeral- Nothin much. Bring the body to the tomb and then just leave.
Eternal Rest- They take stuff or study stuff from tombs. Steal stuff and valuable possessions.

Jo- Well, it was awesome to learn about mummification. I think the coolest tomb raider is Lara Croft even though she is n't real ^_^. So learnign about mummification was awesome!!!


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