Monday, September 14, 2009

Chapter 3 Review (WHERE THE HECK IS RALPH?!) >_<


1. into 30 dynasties (usually) from the time of Menes until Alexander the Great took over everything
2. Khufu, Khafre, & Menkaure; lots of stuff
3. King Mentuhotep I
4. Ahmose I; for his own reasons
5. Hatshepsut
6. It was established during the Asia period; Thutmose III, It was just significant!!!!
7. he was a socialist and nationalist, he was egypt's first president.
8. Anwar El-Sadat; NEgotiaed with the Isreal Prime Minister

Jo and "NOT" RALPH (WHERE THE HECK IS HE???!!! [O_o] {O_O}) :] :) :D :P

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