Wednesday, November 11, 2009



I am taking a test! :(

1. Henry II; created the Plantagenet; By doing something bad
2. King John [:P]; He wasn't nice to them.
3. It was forcefully singed by the most hated king John; free of John; At midnight in Runnymede in 1215
4. Simon de Monfort; 1265
5. ?????????
6. Because it just was!
7. Edward I; Very Carefully
8.thye people developed a more unified nation, house of commons, house of lords, and The Canerbury
9. It was one hundred years and England won. :)
10. Richard II
11. House of work's fault! Edward IV
12. When Henry VII Became Henry VII :P

Ralph was taking a test so don't get mad at him for not doing anything.
Joel and soon to be here Ralph

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