Friday, October 30, 2009

Test which is open notes! (I'm gonna kill Ralph for not being here to take the test with me!) >.<

a. People (#1-33 every other odd)
1.Messiah: Jesus
5. Domitian: Roman emperor who proclaimed himself as "Lord and God"
9. Marcus Aurelius: 4th great emperor; hated christians; during his rule, the common people began to cry
13. Iranaeus: Pupil of Polycarp
17. Origen:was an early Christian scholar and theologian, and one of the most distinguished of the early fathers of the Christian Church.
21.Diocletian, Maximian: Both Co-emperors
25. Aristedes: A Christian apologists in the early church
29.Anthanius: Bishop of of Alexandria
33. Theodosius I: Roman Emperor; Declared Christianity the only legal faith and state religion of the Roman Empire

b.) Terms
1.synagogues: place of worship for the jews
2. Gentiles, Proselytes: Non-JEW; Converted in longing for messiah
3. martyer: someone who died for their beliefs; greek for witness
4. Book of Revelation: The last book in the New Testament of the bible
5. catacombs: Place where the Christians would hide and worship; also a place where dead people are buried
6. Edict of Milan: equal rights and religions
7. church fathers: Leaders/founders of the church
8. apologists: A person who offers an argument in defense of something controversal (I.E. Christianity)
9. monarchianism: The type of rule where a king is at the head

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