Friday, October 30, 2009

Test which is open notes! (I'm gonna kill Ralph for not being here to take the test with me!) >.<

a. People (#1-33 every other odd)
1.Messiah: Jesus
5. Domitian: Roman emperor who proclaimed himself as "Lord and God"
9. Marcus Aurelius: 4th great emperor; hated christians; during his rule, the common people began to cry
13. Iranaeus: Pupil of Polycarp
17. Origen:was an early Christian scholar and theologian, and one of the most distinguished of the early fathers of the Christian Church.
21.Diocletian, Maximian: Both Co-emperors
25. Aristedes: A Christian apologists in the early church
29.Anthanius: Bishop of of Alexandria
33. Theodosius I: Roman Emperor; Declared Christianity the only legal faith and state religion of the Roman Empire

b.) Terms
1.synagogues: place of worship for the jews
2. Gentiles, Proselytes: Non-JEW; Converted in longing for messiah
3. martyer: someone who died for their beliefs; greek for witness
4. Book of Revelation: The last book in the New Testament of the bible
5. catacombs: Place where the Christians would hide and worship; also a place where dead people are buried
6. Edict of Milan: equal rights and religions
7. church fathers: Leaders/founders of the church
8. apologists: A person who offers an argument in defense of something controversal (I.E. Christianity)
9. monarchianism: The type of rule where a king is at the head

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


What does "restricted nations" refer to?
The places Christianity is not allowed! >.<

Where are most restricted nations?

Give me the names of 6 restricted nations and tell me why they are restricted.
Carthage, Rome, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, and China

1.To encourage and empower Christians to fulfill the Great Commission in areas of the world where they are persecuted for their involvement in propagating the gospel of Jesus Christ. We accomplish this by providing Bibles, literature, radio broadcasts, medical assistance, and other forms of aid.
2.To give relief to the families of Christian martyrs in these areas of the world.
3.To equip local Christians to love and win to Christ their enemies who are opposed to the gospel in countries where believers are actively persecuted for their Christian witness.
4.To undertake projects of encouragement, helping believers rebuild their lives and Christian witness in countries that have formerly suffered Communist oppression.
5.To emphasize the fellowship of all believers by informing the world of atrocities committed against Christians and by remembering their courage and faith.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009




1. Christ went into the world by his father tell spread good news about the gospel; Men back in the day could travel millions of square miles of land at a place at a zip coded area or just water without fear of passing through foreign or enemy grounds! :D
2. Herod the Great
3. The Twelve Apostles
4. A.D. 100
5. The back in the day church was a stark contrast between the practical godliness and moral debauched manners and morals of their pagan neighbors


Friday, October 16, 2009

VERY "HARD" stuff. :\


1. Tiber
2. Etrucians, Itali, Greeks, and Plebians. Greek
3. paterfamilies
4. Because they stole it from greece. >.<
5. 509 B.C.
6. The senate; peace and order
7. They were very close; the senate
8. Twelve tables

BLAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Monday, October 5, 2009

Ch 7sec rev 2 & 3

5.Solons laws - it grew worse among the party laws

6.Pericles -

7. Yes

8. no

sec. 3

Ch.7 stuff. :/


1. Monarchy; Council of Elders and Assembly
2. They are very different
3. The citizens made the big decisions of government directly themselves, not directly through presentation
4. They basically were military, military, and of course military!!!

1. Phillip II; IDK; To conquer all of Greece
2. 334 BC
3. HE basically won every fight he got into; death; assassination

Friday, October 2, 2009

Ancient Greek LIFE man in the mirror

The goal of education in the Greek city-states was to prepare the child for adult activities as a citizen. The nature of the city-states varied greatly, and this was also true of the education they considered appropriate. In most Greek city-states, when young, the boys stayed at home, helping in the fields, sailing, and fishing. At age 6 or 7, they went to school. Both daily life and education were very different in Sparta [militant], than in Athens [arts and culture] or in the other ancient Greek city-states.

Social life- Only free, land owning, native-born men could be citizens entitled to the full protection of the law in a city-state (later Pericles introduced exceptions to the native-born restriction). In most city-states, unlike Rome, social prominence did not allow special rights. Sometimes families controlled public religious functions, but this ordinarily did not give any extra power in the government. In Athens, the population was divided into four social classes based on wealth. People could change classes if they made more money. In Sparta, all male citizens were given the title of equal if they finished their education. However, Spartan kings, who served as the city-state's dual military and religious leaders, came from two families.

Food- Greek cuisine (Greek: Ελληνική Κουζίνα) is the traditional cuisine of Greece, a typical Mediterranean cuisine[1], sharing characteristics with the cuisines of Italy, the Balkans, Anatolia, and the Levant. Contemporary Greek cookery makes wide use of olive oil, vegetables and herbs, grains and bread, wine, fish, and various meats, including poultry and rabbit.[1] Typical ingredients in Greek cuisine are lamb and pork, olives, cheese, eggplant, zucchini, and yogurt. The desserts are dominated by nuts and honey. Some dishes use phyllo pastry.[1]

Family life-- The Greek way of life is based around the family, church and patriotism. They are proudly patriotic, this is due to the trials and tribulations of successive rulers, invasions and wars, though this sometimes leads to suspicion of other nationalities, considering their history it is not surprising that some of the people feel this way, but patriotism, should not be confused with racial discrimination.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Ralph-baby blue (I'm going easy on him today. lol) :p

clothing- Clothes were mainly homemade; and often served many purposes (such as bedding.)

entertainment- They watched people get eatin up by lions.

government- takes place in a large parliamentary representative democratic republic, whereby the Prime Minister of Greece is the head of government, and of a multi-party system.

education- broadly divided into three levels, namely primary, secondary and tertiary, with an additional post-secondary level providing vocational training.

Joel and Ralph. (Ralph was lookin at cars. lol joking :p) :) :] :} :D :P